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Sunken Sidewalk Repair in Montréal, QC

Sunken Sidewalk Repair in Montréal, QC

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Sunken Sidewalk Repair in Montréal, QC Sunken Sidewalk Repair in Montréal, QC

Sinking concrete can create a serious tripping hazard. Here, you can see that by leveling the concrete at the foot of the front door to this home, tripping hazards can be eliminated and safety can be improved.

Company Awards
2016 Foundation Supportworks Concrete Division Award
Supportworks named PURLIFT #24 international dealer for Total Sales Concrete Division.... [Read more]
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Happy Customers Surrounding Montréal, QC
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Reviews From Montréal
Testimonials From Montréal
I am very satisfied with the overall work, and the entire team. You notified me every step of the way, and...
Testimonial by Jocelyne T. from Ahuntsic, QC
Very professional service and great value...
Testimonial by Denis D. from Montréal, QC
Job was done very quickly with minimal cleanup.
Testimonial by Berardina F. from Montréal, QC

Montréal's Skilled Concrete Leveling Company

For a FREE no-obligation estimate in Montréal, QC, please fill out the estimate form and PURLIFT will contact you shortly.
I would highly recommend Purlift to everyone....

Concrete Lifting & Leveling in Montréal, QC

The experts at PURLIFT specialize in repairing sinking & settling concrete slabs with the PolyLevel® system. This method involves injecting a two-part foam underneath the slab, which there it expands & dries.  After it dries, it becomes a sturdy & waterproof surface to hold the weight of the concrete.  PolyLevel® is a quick, efficient and permanent way to raise any kind of settling concrete; including garages, patios, sidewalks, steps, and driveways.

As an exclusive & trusted PolyLevel® dealer, all of our technicians at PURLIFT are fully experienced & trained in the application of the innovative PolyLevel® product.  This technique is more affordable and less destructive than mud jacking and total replacement.  We even provide commercial PolyLevel® Services. Contact us for a free, no obligation consultation on your uneven concrete issues!

Services Offered:

  • Pool Deck Repair
  • Garage Floor Repair
  • Void Filling
  • Driveway Repair
  • Patio Repair
  • Sidewalk Repair
  • Parking Lot Repair
  • Much, Much More!

Call us to schedule your free estimate! 

We also repair cracked concrete in Montréal

PURLIFT offers NexusPro concrete crack repair in Montréal and the surrounding areas. NexusPro cures quickly, can be installed year-round, and is resistant to UV rays. Get in touch for a free cracked concrete repair estimate by our trusted local technicians today!

Job Stories From Montréal, QC
Concrete Sidewalk Repair- Concrete Lifting and Leveling in Outremont, Qc

Mr. Stasiewicz was eager to have his sidewalk slab lifted because he wanted to preserve the look of his walkway and make sure no one got injured. The slab had sunk and would continue to sink if he didn't have it fixed in a timely matter. He called Purlift to have one of their professional salesmen come to assess the situation and decided to have the job done immediately. Purlift lifted and leveled the uneven slab in less than an hour and left Mr. Stasiewicz very happy.

Concrete Sidewalk Slab Repair in Outremont, Qc

Peter wasn't happy that the concrete slab of his sidewalk had sunk. He thought it was dangerous and it didn't look very good. He asked Purlift if there were easy, affordable solutions to fix the problem. Purlift went to assess the situation and determined that we could quickly fix the problem.

Concrete Sidewalk Slab Repair in Outremont, Qc - Photo 1
Work Requests From Montréal, QC
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Hi, I would like to level the concrete of my terrace, to avoid puddles and ensure water goes towards the drain. It's 195 square-feet. Thanks
Project Location: Montréal, QC
J'ai une marche en avant de mon immeuble qui s'affaisse. J'aimerais voir si vous pouvez m'aider. Merci d'avance Salutations
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Pour balcon avant et marche et petite entrée.La pente est vers maison( ressemble à une photo de réparation) sur votre site
Project Location: Montréal, QC
My crawlspace has a support jack that sits on a very large and thick concrete slab (thickness 1 foot) (width 3feet) (length 3 feet). Its overs 200 lbs and has sunk on one side because it is on earth that seems to be sinking. I need to see if your product can lift the side of the slab that has sunken.
Project Location: Montréal, QC
J'aimerais reniveller la surface de béton autour de ma piscine creusée environ 7pi par 10pi
Project Location: Montréal, QC
I have a sunken slab of concrete on my walkway
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Concrete in backyard has cracks
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Demande de soumission pour soulever une entrée pitonniere en beton
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Would like to get a quote to fix my parents front walkway.
Project Location: Montréal, QC
The exterior front walk way leading to door entrance is cracked and has sagged several inches
Project Location: Montréal, QC
The concrete steps in front of my house seem to be sinking and are not level.
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Front walkway is out of level
Project Location: Montréal, QC
I would need a estimate for a slab of concrete that leads from the sidewalk to the stairs. Thank you
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Pour un estimé pour un redressement d'une dalle de béton à l'entrée de la maison.
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Une section de ma dalle de ciment au pied des marches de mon balcon s'est affaissé et et l'eau s'accumule lorsqu'il pleut. J'aimerais voir les possibilités pour corriger la situation.
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Trottoir autour de la piscine est affaissé à certains endroits
Project Location: Montréal, QC
As soon as we get the driveway retaining wall repaired we will need to level the cement walkway . The landscaper unfortunately cannot level the walkway for us. We hope you have a service that can help us fix this problem. I am helping my parents with getting this work done, therefore I am the contact person . Carmela
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Hello I was wondering if I can get an estimate to have a concrete slab (approx 8,5 x 6,7 feet) lifted around 3 inches at the base of a staircase. I believe it may have been levelled before in the past. I can be reached by phone (preferably in the morning) or anytime by e-mail. Thank you
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Bonjour, Je cherche à redresser une dalle devant ma porte extérieur arrière qui s'enfonce.
Project Location: Montréal, QC
Previous owner had a large slab cast in front of the entry way steps. It has settled. I would like an estimate to rectify. Merci à l'avance. Robert
Serving the following Montréal, QC postal codes
H1A, H1B, H1C, H1E, H1G, H1H, H1J, H1K, H1L, H1M, H1N, H1S, H1T, H1V, H1W, H1X, H1Y, H1Z, H2A, H2B, H2C, H2E, H2G, H2H, H2J, H2K, H2L, H2M, H2N, H2P, H2R, H2S, H2T, H2V, H2W, H2X, H2Y, H2Z, H3A, H3B, H3C, H3G, H3H, H3J, H3K, H3L, H3M, H3N, H3P, H3R, H3S, H3T, H3V, H3W, H3X, H3Y, H3Z, H4A, H4B, H4C, H4E, H4J, H4K, H4N, H4P, H4V, H4W, H4X, H4Z, H5A, H5B

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