We not only adhere to the highest industry standards, we strive to be the industry leader in the home improvement related services we provide. We also use state-of-the-art products and technology which are designed to fix your home. We are the authorized
in Lachine, QC.
Services we offer in Lachine:
Financing Available
FREE written estimates and inspections, and fast installation
Job Stories From Lachine, QC
Concrete sidewalk repair in Lachine, Qc
Mr. Donets noticed his sidewalk was completely uneven and wanted to make it safe again. He called Purlift to get a quote. He was so happy it would cost a fraction of the price compared to redoing the concrete and agreed to have Purlift do the job. Mr. Donets now has a sidewalk that will be stable for years to come.
Concrete sidewalk repair in Lachine, Qc
Mr.Donets needed to have his sunken sidewalk fixed because it was dangerous and someone could get injured. He called Purlift and had an estimate done. He then had our team of concrete experts come in and inject polyurethane foam underneath the slab to lift it and level it. He was very satisfied with our professionalism.
Work Requests From Lachine, QC
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Cement base to main stairway is sunken pulling on staircase, also surrounding lawn is sunken
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Stairs in the front need to be raised
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Aimerais un estimé pour soulever une dalle de béton extérieure (10X15) enfoncé. Merci!
Project Location: Lachine, QC
My front walk in starting to sink on one side, i would like to get a quote to have it leveled.
Project Location: Lachine, QC
I have uneven and cracked walkway in front of my house. Could this be fixed.
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Lifting concrete slab around the pool
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Ma dalle avant c'est affaissé prêt de la maison créant ainsi une pente descendante vers la maison, j'aimerais la remettre a niveau afin que l'eau puisse bien s'écouler. La dalle fait 19 pieds de long par 5 pieds de large.
Pouvez vous me donner un devis et me dire quel serait vos disponibilités.
Je peux vous faire suivre une photo si requis.
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Cement slab 27x38 inches needs to be lifted by about 3 inches on one side
Project Location: Lachine, QC
The landing in this 8 Plex has sunk in. After watching your commercial during the hockey game, I'm wondering if we can lift it back to its original position
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Level walkway along the house
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Balcon se degrade en dessous
Project Location: Lachine, QC
My front concrete walkway is collapsing and I would like it fixed
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Wash out under floor
Project Location: Lachine, QC
I am looking to resurface my concrete steps to the front door and possibly the garage floor.
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Front steps of a triplex deteriorating and need repair and acrylic seal. Please call me to visit for a quote thank you
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Would be interested in an estimate for a sunken slab beneath back stairs which accumulates water ... it would require correction.
Project Location: Lachine, QC
I have 2 concrete slabs that have dropped over a 50 year period, I would like a quote on how much it would cost to lit them back into place.
Project Location: Lachine, QC
Back patio is sinking towards house needs to be leveled about 3 inches - also have a house in Dorval on slab with very uneven floors due to significant settling
Project Location: Lachine, QC
J'aimerais redresser une dale de béton qui est à coté d'une entrée de garage en pente. La gravelle sous la dale de béton est retenue par un mur de bloc qui penche de plus en plus avec l'affaissement de la dale de béton.
Project Location: Lachine, QC
I need an estimate to lift the walkway going from the city sidewalk to my front steps.